I wanted to post a little about my walk in faith through this weight loss journey. As you can tell, it isn't easy. Those of you who are trying to lose weight yourselves, you know how challenging it is. Every day I have to work hard making the right decisions, working out, fixing healthy meals and snacks, taking time out of my busy schedule to take care of me, etc. Losing weight is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I think it is why I have put off getting serious about losing weight for so long. It has not been easy and I don't think it ever will for me.
A lot of people have asked me where I find my motivation. I find it in several ways but the most important way is my faith in God's plan. God has reminded me over and over and over again that I cannot do this alone. I have to let him guide my steps and actions and I have to trust that his plan for my life is perfect.
I have committed myself to memorizing a verse a week. Right now I am starting with small verses and hopefully will work my way up. I know the closer my relationship with God becomes, the more he will bless my life in a multitude of ways.
I will be the first to tell you that my walk with God has not been easy. I have had my share of troubles and I know I will continue to face bumps in the road. I have been rejected by others, made fun of, had my heart broken, lost loved ones, learned how to live with an unemployed husband, missed opportunities, etc. I could go on and on with the many struggles I have had but I have NEVER given up. Each difficult circumstance God has put in my life has made me a stronger person. I know that he is constantly molding me to become the most incredible Hope possible and I know I have a LONG way to go! I am taking my walk with God day by day and knowing that I am closer to him today than I was yesterday.
I wanted to share some verses that have impacted my life over the last few months. I hope that they will speak to you in some way. God is constantly reminding me to trust him. Through my weight loss journey, I have to put my trust in him, knowing that he is in control of this journey I am on.
"For nothing is impossible with God." -Luke 1:37This is a verse that I remind myself of daily. Of all of the things I have been able to accomplish in my 25 years, I have never been able to accomplish my weight. I have struggled with it since I was a little girl and it has only gotten worse as I have gotten older. I have to remind myself that NOTHING, yes NOTHING is impossible with God. This weight loss goal of mine is POSSIBLE and I have faith that I am going to reach a healthy weight one day!
"She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks." -Proverbs 31:17I want to be the Proverbs 31 for my husband, Shawn. I want to provide him with everything God intended for me to provide. One of the things I need to do is take care of myself so I can take care of our future family. This verse is a reminder that even on days when I don't want to work at losing weight, I need to because I need to be strong for the tasks I have ahead as a wife and mother. I will work vigorously on my weight loss goal and will end up being strong enough to complete the tasks ahead of me.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." -Romans 8:28I know that as long as I keep God in my life, he will work for my good. I honestly feel that sharing my weight loss journey with others is a purpose he has given me to fulfill. I never once thought that I would ever have a blog that would share the ups and downs of my weight. I used to keep my feelings and emotions about it to myself but it was set on my heart last year to put my story out for the world to see. I hope that I am able to inspire others to do great things and to accomplish their goals. I also know that God has put every single person in my life for a reason and purpose. I have been blessed beyond anything I could have ever imagined by taking on this weight loss journey. So many people have come to me for inspiration, I have reconnected with old friends, I have met some of the most amazing people along the way, and I know God will continue to provide the right people in my life as I go through this journey according to his purpose.
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing, and perfect will." -Romans 12:2This is my all time favorite quote an one that has inspired me throughout my weight loss journey. I want to be transformed and I know the transformation God has in plan for me is going to be incredible! I know that to lose the weight I need to lose and to keep the motivation, I have to go to Him instead of the world. The world will let me down and will tell me I am not good enough or that I can't do it. God will tell me that I can and will give me the strength, endurance, and motivation I need to complete this journey.
"It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect." -Proverbs 18:32On the days where I don't feel like I can workout, I pray that God will give me strength. On days when I am in the middle of a workout, sweating, and ready to quit...I pray that God will give me strength to finish. He arms me with strength every day and makes my way perfect. This journey is perfect in his eyes. I have had my difficulties and setbacks but I know he has given me these bumps in the road so I can become better and stronger than I was before. I feel that I can relate to every part of the weight loss process because I have lost, gained back, gained more, lost self-confidence in myself, lacked motivation, etc. I know that he will continue to arm me with strength each and every day.
I pray that each one of you will allow God to be a part of your weight loss journey. I know to many this seems insignificant but in all honesty it is the single most important aspect of your weight loss journey. God needs to be a part of it and you need Him to help you through the journey. I pray for each of you to find the strength, motivation, and inspiration to continue. I know you can do it!! Remember, with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!