The Good: I have had some incredible workouts this week! I honestly LOVE working out now. I am not sure if it is because I love to see the results, if it is something I get to do for MYSELF, if it is because I enjoy seeing/feeling how far I've come in 4 months, or because it is an awesome way to relieve stress. Probably a mix of all of these things. :) I hope that the scale shows a pretty number this week that goes along with my hard work. :)
The Bad: The gym was sorta out of sorts today. It was a crazy hour I was there but it ended up turning out to be just fine. While I was there a lady stepped on a tredmill in front of me and she couldn't figure out how to slow it down so she fell off. :( It was awful. I jumped off my machine as fast as I could to go help her and several other people did too. She seemed to be ok with a few scratches and bruises but I can imagine how much it hurt! I hope that fall does not discourage her from coming back. About 20 minutes after that, the fire alarm started going off. Crazy! Everything was fine, something just happened to the system. I had to laugh at myself afterwards because I was more concerned about hitting my calorie burned target in time than getting out of the building. :) That is SERIOUS and not such a great thing I guess. :)
The Ugly: Spring Break is ALLLLMMMOOOOOSTTT here!!! I can't wait but I still have ONE more day! Looking forward to spending next week at the gym, organizing the house, spring cleaning, and hanging out with good friends. :) I can't wait! I also hope to try some of the classes at Gold's next week since I will have a pretty flexible schedule. I'll let you know what I try out. Any suggestions from anyone? Let me know!