Weightloss Tracker

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 2

The Good: I had another great day of sticking to my meal plan and exercise plan. I was proud of myself for not caving in to any temptation today. I wanted to so bad but instead of reaching for a snack, I diverted my attention and did something else. This really helped because it changed what my mind was thinking. I actually ate under my calories today and have felt full!

I went to the gym today and had a great workout! I completed 4 miles on the elliptical and treadmill. I wanted to give up several times because workout out is hard, especially after I have already felt what is was like to lose weight before. I can feel the weight I have gained back....every single pound....and I am ready to get it back off!

I also watched Jennifer Hudson on the Dr. Oz show today and it was amazing! She is an incredible person and her story is so inspiring! If you get a chance to watch the show, please do because it had tons of great information! She gave recipe ideas, exercise tips, WW tips, etc. While watching it, she was showing some of her favorite meals and one of them was the turkey burger. Shawn and I made turkey burgers all of the time last year and they were one of my favorite meals as well! I left the gym and went straight to Publix...to my surprise the Jenni-O turkey was on sale!! I stocked up and bought 8 packs so I could freeze some. When i was making them, I decided to double the recipe so I could freeze individual pattys that I could pull out and cook when I am in a pinch. I think this will be helpful to me because the worst thing for me is to stand in front of the fridge, freezer, or pantry without a plan in mind. That is when I start to eat whatever I can find and not keep track of my portions. PLANNING IS KEY to SUCCESS!! You are less likely to veer off of your plan and eat something else if you already set a plan for the week.

The Bad: My legs hurt today from working out yesterday. It made it a little harder to talk myself in to doing a long workout today but I was able to push through the soreness and complete a great workout!

The Ugly: I am exhausted! Getting back into working after Christmas break, not sleeping well at night, working on Doctorate work, working out, fixing meals, etc. has made me feel exhausted. I am hoping that I will be able to get into a good routine in the next week or two. I have to create a balance with the various parts of my life and I hope I can get it figured out in the next week or two. Once again, PLANNING IS KEY to SUCCESS! Plan for food, exercise, work, etc.