Weightloss Tracker

Monday, February 28, 2011

February 28

The Good: I had a wonderful day with lots of great things happening! My husband had his swearing in ceremony with RCSD and now is a sworn deputy! We are so excited about this new journey in our lives! I also hit my 30lb loss mark! Woo Hoo! I honestly cannot believe 30lbs are gone! Slow and steady with lots of great choices has helped me accomplish this goal so far. I am hoping to hit 50lbs lost by our anniversary which is April 18. It gives me a goal to reach and one that I hope to meet!

The Bad: I am so glad February is over! I have been so busy it has been ridiculous! I am looking forward to slowing down a little in March.

The Ugly: I need to work on lifting weights again so I can hopefully start toning up my upper arms before summer. They need it bad. :-/

1 comment:

  1. I am very proud of both you and Shawn!!! You continue to inspire me!
