The Good: I lost 2 pounds at WW tonight! I was excited to lose those pounds! Weight Watchers was PACKED!! They were still signing people up when the meeting ended. WOW! I think everyone is really excited about the new points-plus plan! I have enjoyed it so far, especially because fruit is ZERO points!! I can eat as much fruit as I want without having to count it in my points! It makes life so much better. :) If you have ever been a WW member you know what I am talking about! A banana used to be 2 points! Now a banana is ZERO! Woo Hoo! I also ate a DELICIOUS lunch with my left over shrimp from last night's wonderful meal and fresh, baby spinach. No dressing, no artificial flavors, just pure whole food. It was EXCELLENT! I would have NEVER thought I would ever eat fresh spinach RAW! But, once again, I know how good it is for my body and I know that I can't knock it until I've tried it! I wish I had had a camera with me at lunch today to take a picture of how wonderful it looked! When I make it again, I will be sure to take a picture. :)
The Bad: I still have yet to write down anything in my tracker. I know I keep saying I am going to but I still haven't. I am bound and determined that I am going to write down my foods this week. I love how it keeps me accountable and I know once I get back into the routine I will enjoy doing it. My WW leader, Donna, gave us a challenge this week to write down everything we eat for the next week. We are supposed to come to next week's meeting with 10 things we learned through tracking. I am looking forward to sharing that list with you next Sunday or Monday. :)
The Ugly: God sure was testing me today at school! I woke up this morning feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and excited about getting back into my routine. I even woke up at 5am! I usually force myself out of bed at 6:20 so this was HUGE! Today is my non-workout, rest day so I was kind of disappointed because I was ready to get up and walk on my treadmill, THAT'S A FIRST! I did end up cooking a wonderful breakfast of Eggland's Best eggs, center-cut bacon strips and a yummy Stoneyfield blueberry yogurt with flaxseed. I was excited that it kept me full ALL morning! Yay! I was excited about getting back in my routine and had a great day with my students. I did have a few moments today where I wanted to go devour a whole bag of chocolate but instead I changed my thoughts and thought about eating an apple instead. I am DEFINITELY a STRESS eater! I got through my first day back with a few bumps here and there but I stayed on track and that is what mattered!
Keep up the great mindset and those pounds will keep coming off. Congrats on the loss of 2 pounds!